If there was a way to just uproot everything, and jump to a big empty room like the one present in the Matrix, where the tv and chairs are, I would have gone ahead and made that leap years ago. There's nothing I enjoy more than my own sanity, and sometimes it's threatened by over-stimulation and noise pollution. This is not at all what I ordered! Somebody needs to call the manager, and tell them they suck for letting it get this bad.
This probably isn't the best thing to say for promotion, but I don't wanna write another album like Vacant Care. While I indeed enjoy the end result, I'm privileged/cursed to know the process behind it, and what lead up to these lyrics being written. It's a really odd experience. I wonder if other music artists deal with the emotional duality I'm getting triggered with when listening to One Thing...
I kinda understand the cats with little to no substance in their music now. They might be the smartest ones doing it, because this shit feels weird to me.
Like a bad VHS tape, I can't do this shit no more!
On one hand, I got my point across right away in saying I'm done with tryna fight everything. The whole "this world is a stage" thing couldn't be closer to a gospel. Everyone is performing for something. Can't see the strings, but they are indeed there. I don't want this role of a random who gets mad at the drop of a hat. I've out preformed my contract for a long ass time, and don't remember being offered more for my efforts.
I'm just hanging out in the proverbial trailer, eating gummy worms, and playing Sega Genesis till the Writers get's they head out their own asses and fix this bullshit.
There's a constant line being extended of new obstacles. Some of these are very easy to deal with. I can simply choose not to pay attention, and they just go away on their own. I reference being around people I like,but them being all about the bullshit... The want to engage with them, given the baggage present, would present itself as just another thing getting in the way of my personal salvation.
Other obstacles would of course need a great deal of attention. These Baby Huey events are never welcomed with open arms, but should always be tackled with minimal tantrums or bouts of stalling. have I made it a point to nip those issues in the bud at quickly as I can? Sometimes, sure...Mostly, nah. Fuck these doofus ass side quests! I'm not Indiana Jones, so why do I have to deal with all these snakes?!?
The RC car of clarity.
On the other hand, I listen to One thing and think...Man...It's really all right there, huh? It's been there, but I didn't have the right angle for looking at it this way before. I could have given myself the keys as a kid. Everything would have been a lot better, a lot earlier had I simply known to do it back then.
By writing about distraction, and pointing things out through reference points, I'm able to map the playing field like I'm playing an early NES game. The lyrics weren't written on grid paper, but the end result turned out to fit my analogy perfectly, so fuck it! I think this is actually one of my fav songs from this album for that very reason.
Vacant Care is me waving the white flag at pride and fear. I've taken a lot of losses, I've been right some of those times, but the majority were straight up defeats if I'm honest with myself. I'm not here to make anybody else happy. I know where I've fucked up, and this annoyed "I told you so!" laden record is the closest thing you'll ever get to an apology from me.
So, We Advance onward...
This song is important for the simple fact I can listen to it, realizing the noise around me doesn't matter unless I want it to. I can revert back to being an alchemist above all else. I can "leave it for my pen to wail" if venting is needed. the idea that "nothing changes, if nothing changes" stands as a very noticeable pillar on the album.
I can brood over this shit for the rest of my life, making multiple projects where I'm just bitching over and over again...But I don't think I'll actually get anything out of that now. I have accomplished what I set out to do with this album. Dwelling on the past with more music won't make me "feel" anything, that's for damn sure.
One Thing helped me to get that out of my system. There's no WANT to complain all the time anymore. I have my map. The pitfalls were all created by my reactions.
The crap I reacted to was like the decoys you can place in Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I'm done with wasting my energy, taking an emotional chainsaw to everything that appears more threatening than it actually is.