If I could bottle ambition, the recipe would have to include an adventurer's spirit. 🍶
There is simply no way to accomplish anything when curiosity is lacking. You must have a want for finding and doing new things. That's the core of what ambition is all about.
This isn't a flame that can be doused by one single failure. The data that's collected by trying will only serve to strengthen your ambition, thus causing an inferno of enthusiasm with future attempts of success.
Just came up with that myself. 😏
I think if we had a guy come over the intercom at school every year, giving a speech that said something along those lines, every kid who lacked motivation would have been much better off by hearing such an interesting idea.
Sometimes people just want to be presented with a challenge. The task may be clear to them, but the importance of having that want could be what's hidden.
Creating art is the greatest game.
I am always discovering techniques that will make the process easier, or grant a new perspective on something i've done for years. It never gets old and I'm always given reasons to keep going back through the process.
While I've long fallen out of love with drawing using a pencil, I still find myself doodling from time to time. It's fun to use the shortcuts and tips I've picked up from art books and online tutorials over the years. I feel like there's a good chance at finally being consistent, were I to make a play for doing traditional art on a regular basis.
Obviously my brain is chiptuned to gaming references, because I do wind up humming a victory fanfare to myself when applying art related lessons. I'll never be ashamed of my chronic nerdom. Gaming and drawing were tandem anti-drugs for me as a kid. I'm more grateful for my personal interests each passing year. 🕹
Journey and the reward for this quest.
Progression is an underrated gain with any task. Having clear visual on the differences between what you're doing now and what you did earlier is very useful.
Not only will you get a neat little confidence boost, but you'll also be able to point out HOW things have improved. The why comes about through ambition inspiring you to learn about the ins and outs of the thing you're doing.
This is why being an artist is fun. You never go out here to create things for others first. You yourself are the true audience. Everyone else is secondary.
I'm not making anything unless I really wanna engage with it myself. I don't care about the current trends at all. Never have. That crap will always shift and morph into something else. There's no need to chase the wave when it always winds up changing into something else with time.
The reward is completing something you are proud of. Accolades are cool, but really just serve as being sprinkles upon the Jumbo Dounettes of this Hostess factory we call life. 🍩
Human being/doing.
Lacking the stats or credentials to confirm this, I'm gonna try to avoid making a concrete statement about depression and the feeling of inadequacy being linked to a lack of ambition. I'll speak from my own personal experiences instead of saying what everybody else should be doing.
I'm not the cat who can go long periods of time without having something worth doing as a personal project. I need to take control of something that resonates with me. It's either creating, or playing a video game.
Right now, I'm in the early stages of making another album, and also trying to get good at Virtua Fighter 3tb. The ambition I have with music is linked to my other art, as well as video games.
I want to create games that have elements and are inspired by things I mentioned in my music. Is playing VF related to anything regarding my game dev? Not really.
I could make it a point to study fighting games, and make a document for designing my own later...I've done that already, actually. Playing fighting games in my downtime is purely for fun right now.
I already know what I want my own games to play like. I mess around with VF3 and pick Wolf Hawkfield because it's fun to toss people out of the arena using a Giant Swing. 😆
Imagining Shun being thrown off the stage where they fight on a roof inspires me to keep playing. I'm not the best at using the block buttons, so I lose a lot to characters with good combo strings. My goal is to get good enough to manipulate my opponents into being near the edge of the stage, so that I can launch them for the sake of the impending replay soon after.
I'm a simple man, you see. It really doesn't take much...Ambition really isn't that complicated.