Before I go any further into that dream match never having a chance of happening, I just wanna mention that Jeffry McWild has always been a low key cool character trapped behind a bland design.
He's a fisherman who got his boat wrecked by a devil shark, and he wears sweatpants. Now that I think bout the lore, I'm kinda mad he wasn't an unlockable character in SEGA Bass Fishing. They could have had him yelling everytime he cast his lure, and while reeling the fish in.
That would be one of the ROM hacks I'd willingly pay someone to do when I get my finances in order. 💵
So the thing with Punk and KENTA goes back to one of them inventing the GTS, and the other getting fame and notoriety with it. KENTA used to talk shit over wanting to fight punk, but didn't seem enthused with the prospect having through the Forbidden Door events.
I'm thinking it's because he knew he wasn't going over if it happened, and didn't see the point in pursuing the match up with it would only serve Punk.
Of course, i'm just a guy that kinda sorta keeps up with some of this rasslin' shit every now and again, so I don't really know what either cat thinks. The GTS is a cool move. Jeffry's fighting style is a mix of boxing and wrestling. Having a move where you toss someone up of your shoulders, just to hit them with a strike, is very fitting. 👍