For way too long I've been the slave of emotion. There was always some new issue popping up around ever corner. I've blown my life more than a few times, and what what exactly? Nothing I can see worth mentioning.
When met with nothing but disappointment your entire life, one must seek a viable and sustainable change. Obviously this change must come from within, not the surrounding characters. No body wants to improve with anything they do. A lot of them don't see a problem, and the ones that do will hide behind excuses as to why nothing can be done differently.
So, I've gone ahead and made it a point to view the world in a different lite. Does this mean I'm calling everyone a delicate flower that's the most needed entity in the world and should be cherished as such? Hell fucking no. I don't waste emotion on people, that's the change that's being made from here on.
Instead of having demands and expectations of the world at large, I'm instead just taking a page from the nihilist playbook. Nothing actually fucking matters in the world, right? I mean, some people will snob it up and act like they accept only the best. Those people are full of shit and only gauge things based on popularity.
What happens when the popular this gets recalled? If if the popular thing is accused of sex trafficking? What if the popular thing is the new Milli Vanilli, and actually just has the look and no noticeable talent to speak of? Everything is a bout being included in some way for most people.
This is why I've stopped trying to move others in my direction. I'm fine with a big hole opening up and swallowing everybody else. Good riddance , I say!
(editors note: always thought it was spelled "riddens', till spell check screeched at me via squiggly red underline. It had no idea what I was tryna spell, so I googled it and Gemini game through like a robotic clutch. I still don't trust it for recipes or anything else that would lead it to hurting me with bad info, but at least it spells good!)
Of course, that goes against the spirit of my steeze. I don't care enough to get joy from such an event. It has nothing to do with my actual goals in life, so therefore it doesn't matter to me. I find being not present in the judgmental rodeo makes life a whole lot more peaceful.
So, what does this mean for my overall demeanor? I'm not usually the guy to live and let live. I've leaned toward saying fuck you more often than not. It's not a recommended path, but I've trekked it for many moons till recently.
I'm not looking to stay the course with that at all. I've got the data on it's good points, and low and behold there aren't any! Turns out presenting everyone else as the enemy has very distinct consequences that always end in you being exiled due to your own stupid self imposed limitations. I don't wanna be singled out...but I'm the warden in this prison of the scared lil mind.
The only way to bust myself out was to adopt the opinion that non of these trouble fiending thoughts actually matter, and I should develop some much needed chill. A lot of the cats I don't wanna hang with have been somewhat kind, so I at least owe them a respectful nod when greeted. Life is only hard when you play the role of a Star Trek captain and "Make it so".
Wait, that's not right...Picard was tellin' Riker to "Make it so, right? Aight... Life is only hard when you walk around throwing your leg over chairs before you sit down to "Make it so".
Couldn't end this post without nailing the reference properly. If I can't amuse myself, than what the fuck am I even doing out here?!? 😤