
What's obvious has never changed.

 I've been internally punishing myself by paying attention to the news as of late.

I think this is my Mick Foley arc or something. His masochism is way cooler than me tuning into the 3 ring circle of hot blooded and numb in the skull world of redneck driven American politics.

There's nothing worth posting about on that front. I only mention it in passing because it did inspire me to look for an unexpected palette cleanser in the world of hip hop.

So unexpected, mind you, that name checking this particular artist just isn't going to happen on this here blog. Just know that this unnamed individual has been successful enough over the years, and one more cat blowing congratulatory smoke up their ass isn't really gonna boost them at this point.

I think it's cool that juggernauts in the music world are able to go out, with seemingly not a damn thing to prove, and release material that actually has substance. The words may not be what you'd expect from such a character, but the heart is on full display. You can tell when someone is being genuine, even if the narrative doesn't fit their advertised persona.

As is always the case, having Ill production behind you doesn't hurt either. The backing instrumentation I heard on this album managed to make me open up LMMS, and finish around 8 beats I had been working on at the tail end of 2024.

So, I guess I'm back on my music making bullshit again.

If not for morbid curiosity for the fate of a democracy I've yet to see a legit personal benefit in, I would have never gotten hear a neat project from a rapper I should probably have a little more respect for, inspite of my feelings toward his connections in the past.

The road to inspiration is kinda fucked sometimes.