That's the mantra I'm finally starting to understand. For so long, I was fixated on the outcome, the grand finale. I wanted to build this perfect reality, a world shaped entirely by my intentions. I envisioned myself lounging in the lap of my accomplishments, drifting off to sleep on a pillow woven from my actions. It sounded idyllic, a dream worth chasing.
But here's the harsh truth: I can't control when those outcomes materialize.
I'd pour my heart and soul into something, only to be met with frustrating stagnation. The lack of immediate results would gnaw at me, leaving me feeling defeated. I was constantly chasing a finish line that seemed to recede further into the distance.
Then, I stumbled upon the concept of building systems, of focusing on the process rather than the outcome. It was a revelation. I realized that by shifting my perspective, by concentrating on the task at hand, I could achieve a sense of accomplishment much more frequently. It's about recognizing the small victories, the incremental progress.
For me, as a hip-hop artist, this means celebrating each step of the creative journey. It's not about waiting for the sales and admiration; it's about reveling in the joy of writing a verse that resonates with ME. It's about the satisfaction of crafting a complete song, of assembling a collection of beats that form a cohesive project. It's about the thrill of recording a verse, of bringing my words to life.
I'm back to enjoying the creation of my art, and it feels fucking amazing!
These are the wins that fuel my passion, the milestones that validate my efforts. I'm not waiting for sales figures or critical acclaim to define my success. I've learned that there's a wealth of accomplishment to be found in the process itself, long before any external validation arrives.
This perspective shift has been transformative. I wish I had grasped this concept sooner. I spent so much time chasing an elusive future, neglecting the present moment. By focusing on the process, on the daily tasks and small victories, I'm finding a sense of fulfillment that I never thought possible.
It's about finding joy in the journey, not just the destination. It's about recognizing that each step, each verse, each beat, is a win in itself. It's about building a solid foundation, brick by brick, rather than trying to construct a skyscraper overnight.
So, I'm focusing on my focus, and letting the rest fall into place. I'm embracing the process, celebrating the small wins, and trusting that my ideals will come, in their own time. And honestly, I'm starting to enjoy the ride.