
Google search is dead, and it's time to stop lying about it

There's no way this post will be considered a hot take. People who add reddit to each search query should understand why I think Google is done for.

I've come to the conclusion that dragging the lifeless body of an internet search engine in the direction of doing what it's been known to do in the past, is nothing but a coping mechanism.

Tinkering with my own blog, editing things that aren't broken on my end in an attempt to appease the search console in some unknown way, has given me no real result whatsoever.

I've read all kinds of tips and tricks that don't work. People who aren't paid by Google to help, have come up with their own lore for what's going on with that company. They say there's a sandbox, and you simply wait till they decide to remove you from timeout.

Meanwhile, Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo have no issues at all with indexing my blog. They also had an easy time with indexing past sites that Google couldn't figure out for some reason...Why I built those pages using Google Sites...Something they sometimes try to maintain...because it's a service owned by them...just like how Blogger is a Google Branded service...

This company reeks of Apple's influence, which is why everyone should stop wasting time on trying to jump through hoops. You can write for search bots and make an attempt at getting the number one spot in a search query, but that doesn't matter when the first 6(at least) results are all paid for.

You can go out and tout "quality content" all day, but that's just hearsay. If you don't care about the subject matter, but it gets a bunch of interest from others, it's not quality to you. 

I've seen enough AI written slop, that doesn't answer anyone's questions, and instead dances around the topic using safe for work humor as done by someone who doesn't know what humor actually is, through Google search to tell you that quality isn't at all factored in.

I'm aware that the less tech savvy crowd likes to rock with whatever their default settings are. You guys and gals don't wanna go out here and bother with crap like that.

Start bothering, because Google just aint it.

Site owners shouldn't get riled up and frustrated because one company decided to use poor business practices that fuck over the end user. Use the other sites instead of catering to a company that clearly doesn't want anything but to take without providing value.