The standard version of this wrestling movie goes by multiple names.
It's the Ace Crusher if you grew up watching Johnny Ace wrestle in Japan.
It's the Diamond Cutter if you're a WCW kid who used to geek out over the many set ups DDP came up with for a more crowd pleasing effect.
It's the RKO if you've watched WWE and were enthralled with Orton and Cena's never ending feud that lasted for what seems like a fucking eternity.
It's also the Twist of Fate to those eagle-eyed fans who understand the Hardyz just added a cool taunt to an already cool move, and made it their own little thing.
To me, This move is the sharpest blade that a grappling samurai could ever hope to master. It's precision is matched only by it's otherworldly directness in the heat of battle.
Many have tried their hand at unlocking it's secrets. Only a few have succeeded in coming close to showing the greatness...
...Said greatness was on full display when Chris Kanyon lost his ever loving mind, and decided that no one was safe in the backstage area of WCW shows.
I love this move so much. Just know that if I ever decide to go against my morals and sign a contract to be apart of the music industry(or the shady-ass art world, that was build on the backs of dead artists who never got their due while they still had air in their lungs), I'm only doing it to set up a Kanyon inspired video art piece where I'm going around and Kanyon Cutting the shit out of all your favorites in those industries.
I don't give a fuck who the culture is feeling at any giving time. Even If I think you're kinda ill, yo punk ass is Mos Def catching a cutter. No Yasim.
Yeah, I said it! You best believe it's on sight(but you'll be in on it if I legit appreciate your work. I ain't heartless or nothing. Consider it friendly fire, in that instance).
The pop-up version of this movie fits Wolf pretty well. He's a big dude. Launching the opponent up to catch 'em clean on the drop is a smooth big man type wrestling move.
The impact of it reminds me of when Rikishi did the pop-up Samoan drop. Very stylish. 👍🏾