
I'm not a repairman, so why am I working on someone elses crap?

I'm in the early stages of making another album.

trying a less structured approach this time, because no one else is walking around with caution at the moment. It's always nice to mix things up from time to time anyhow. You keep things from becoming stale that way.

As the artificial BS of daily life bakes in the front yard of my discontent, I sit and wonder about how easy it would be to ditch the theatrics that come from being reactionary.

Living is learning.

I don't NEED to point out someones stupidity. Even if they pretend to not know that something is wrong, I can tell that they actually go about doing specific things just to get some sort of response from those around them. It's only an issue if I'm one of the people like like preforming for.

They aren't going to improve at any point. That lesson took a very long time for me to learn. Old fuck ups were once young fuck ups who were given an unlimited number of chances. Those people don't care about changing their ways, as there has always been a safety net, and they view the whole ordeal as some sort of an adventure to be had.

It's clear that those people aren't an anomaly. Most are like that to varying degrees. Some might not be full blown idiots, but they go around and participate in idiotic shit.

Reacting has not given me the results I would expect. Being nice is often requested, due to the need for people to be called like a baby who wants their bottle. I'm not thinking of a nice way to point out why this bullshit could have and should have been avoided. I just don't wanna deal, and think the obvious has to be stated as some point so that things don't get out of hand.

What if I were to let it get out of hand?

Who's to say things won't spiral regardless of ones reaction? You can go out here and pretend to be some doofus's buddy, and steer them in the right direction for the sake of having good sense. That's a choice. But, what's the point if they are gonna wind up forcing the issue by driving their own stability into a flaming ditch the very second you look away?

Some people are visual learners, others aren't learners at all. You have to take an honest look at the situation, and realize that the world is full of people who've smiled and nodded their way through life. They haven't ever understood the things said during a real conversation. they don't know how to process information, and use past experiences to help them engage with anything new.

These are skills one learns as a child. The School system is actually set up to have these lessons be a constant exercise, but it's clear that a lot of people just aren't capable of grasping these ideas.

The Wrench of the matter.

The reason I'm trying to get rid of my reactionary nature, is because being a fixer for others hasn't once benefited me. The Vacant Care album was an attempt to unload frustration and do away with my need for correcting everything. The truth about how ineffective my attempts to make things better has been is hitting me everytime I listen to that album.

General ignorance, bias towards people who haven't done anything wrong, hateful assumptions that breed contempt fueled gossip. All these things continue to be a wide spread problem that neither I or anyone else has the ability to shut down. People have gotten rewarded for detrimental behavior for way too long. It's never going to stop because of how lucrative it is.

Society as a whole is fucked up. Why stress yourself out over individuals who lack the want to apply a simple mix of common sense, and regulated thought to any situation they put themselves into? I've been dealing with stuff as of late that I never signed up for. Without progress being shown, I don't see the need for a report on my end.